Знакомства с SuperSammy, Lagos


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Надёжный друг и страстный любовник!

Отправить сообщение
Я: Мужчина
Страна: Нигерия
В поисках: Женщины
Для: Брака, Дружбы, Любви, Серьёзных отношений
Замуж не выходила/Не женился
Мальчики: 7 (список возрастов)
Хотите детей: Да
Что является самым
  важным в Жизни?
Relatinship with God. Relationship with my future wife. Fulfilment in life. Helping others
Мечта: Be a great philantropist. Be an inpirational documentary film maker. Be a motivational speaker
Разговорные языки: English, Yoruba
Языки для переписки: English, Yoruba
Sammy Esan-Jacobs
Знак Зодиака:
160 см (5'3")
78 кг (173 lb)
Цвет глаз:
Self Employed
Любимые виды спорта:
Бег/Бег трусцой, Фитнесс, Футбол, Программы здоровья
Виды развлечений:
Смотреть телевизор, Новости/Ср-ва масс.инфо, Театр, Интернет, Юморина/КВН, Прогулка пешком, Путешествия
Компьютерные игры:
Не играю
Боевики, Комедии, Муз.кинокомедии, Триллеры, Документальные, Мультфильмы, Драма, Фантастика
Блюз, Кантри, Церковная, Рэгги
Психология, Благотворительность, Воспитание детей, Фотографирование
Цвет: Purple and Gold
Время года: Summer
О себе: I am a very resilient visionary. I am very spiritual but not religious. I love being considerate when dealing with others. I value relationships, however, very selective in making friends. I am humble and respectful. I find so much joy in helping people and making them happy. I also love counselling and being a role model to the younger ones. I admire honesty, originality and teachability. I detest arrogance, hypocrisy and lack of consideration for others. I believe in making a life and not just a living; living to be a channel of blessing to others and not just making end's meet. I would so much love to see humanity living with the mind-set that we are all of one ONE SOUL. Hence, whatever one does to others, regardless of who, one does to him/herself.
I am more of an introvert. When not busy at work, I love my me-time once in a while. And I am not much of an outside person. Except when out for a movie, to the beach or other quiet relaxation areas, I enjoy being at home watching movies or listening to soft music. For movie genre, I love drama, comedy, action, fantasy, romance and a couple of others may be.
I love photography and videography. I love editing movies and pictures too. I enjoy being a movie maker. It affords me the opportunity to use the media, which is second to none when it comes to the means of broad-casting information, as an infotainment tool, to inform my audience in an entertaining manner on some very pivotal issues of life. This is moving me towards my dream to inform and educate society and subsequently encourage in them a paradigm shift that will lead to the much needed transformation towards the well deserved total restoration of humanity as originally planned by God.
Personally, I do not subscribe to patriarchal hegemony in whatever form. I believe my wife is my help meet and not a cook or house maid or something. To this end I have learnt some cooking and I enjoy it, and would love doing it together with my wife.
I believe that communication, understanding, appreciation, respect, maturity and love are of the most important factors to be held in high regards for any relationship to be successful.
Идеальный партнёр: I will consider myself most fortunate to meet that beautiful soul with a loving heart. A woman who is spiritual, who could think outside the box, kind, considerate, sociable, dependable and responsible. My friend, my sister, my counsellor, my queen, my wife, my all in one!
She does not necessarily have to share similar lifestyle, but I will appreciate someone who neither drink nor smoke.
I will prefer her not taller than me and with smart body shape. Preferably she should be from 29 to 38 years of age.
Most importantly, I am praying for someone who will love me for who I am and I will be treating her like my queen that she is, my special angel from God the giver of all good gift.
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